Monday, January 26, 2015

Cold Season

It's cold season!.. and you know what that means..... everyone has a cold (not to point out the obvious).

Sure colds can be annoying, but I've gotta be honest... there's something about having a cold that I kind of enjoy. Granted, not for more than a week. If this thing is going to last for more than a week, then it just might as well stay away from my immune system. But, a 3-4 day stay can't be that bad, can it?

Positive things about having a cold:

  1. You can always play the "sick" card. Now, I don't take this lightly... you can't overplay this card... but when you have a cold, it IS in your hand. You can use it to your advantage! Congratulations, you get to lay around in sweats, drink hot soup, and get the priority blankets! Own that sickness!
  2. NyQuil. I've seen people post on Facebook or Instagram about how at least when they are sick, they can count on NyQuil helping them have a good night sleep. Now, I'm not saying this is not a positive thing, I'm just saying, its not the ONLY positive thing about taking NyQuil... another bonus is that the liquid type tastes pretty darn good. Yes, I still take the liquid NyQuill medicine. Judge if you must. Some pills are just too big to swallow. In an unrelated topic, I also take gummy vitamins.
  3. Its always sort of funny when you laugh and snot accidentally gets on something other than a kleenex, such as your laptop screen. No additional explanation needed, I hope.
Just remember, there's an upside to everything, even a cold during cold season. 

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I thoroughly enjoyed your take on the cold Ashley! Things I must admit I have not considered. :) Thanks for the post! Another good thing about a cold is more time to spend reading posts like yours! :)
