Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2016 Middle Earth Fantasy Football

Last year, I posted my predictions in the blog about how I thought a few of our teams would do in Middle Earth, and so by popular demand, I will post my thoughts here again. ESPN no longer offers the draft report cards, so I will also include FantasyPro's rankings on each team, also.

TOP THREE (in no particular order)

Riders of Romohan (Colin Capps)

Is anyone surprised by this? Should I even bother saying much? Commissioner Colin seems to toy with our league every season and why should this year be any different? According to Fantasy Pros, he has the best team in the league, getting the only 100% score. I am a bit miffed at him since he took Keenan Allen in the first round, as that was the player that I WAS TARGETING. But I'm not mad. I believe that Colin could be the Blackhawks of Middle Earth and could go for three rings in six years, while becoming the first team ever to win thrice.

Dol Guldur Tsundere Towers (Braxton Koehler)

Like Colin, Braxton owns this league. I thought Braxton traded his way right out of contention last season but evidently, he didn't even need Cam Newton or Greg Olsen to win his second Championship Ring (side note: we actually bought The One Ring of power as our trophy and Braxton can now turn invisible). Braxton kept Antonio Brown and Jordan Reed, reacquired Mark Ingram and drafted Sammy Watkins. Fantasy Pros rated him at a 98.1% with his TE, Defense, WR and Flex being very strong. Could we see the Colin/Braxton championship matchup?! Time will tell!

Rubber Ducky Rohirrim (Kevin Koehler)

I'm having a hard time deciding who my third team will be as there are a lot of strong teams in our league, but I'm going with my gut and my heart on this pick. Kevin (or Dad, as I affectionately know him) did as I predicted last season and won not only his first playoff game, but his second and went to the Big Dance! His team played well all season and he ended up tied for the best record and met Braxton in the Championship. Now that the playoff monkey is off of his back, I believe another deep run could be in his future. Fantasy Pros rated teams higher than Dad, but his waiver wire expertise and trades should carry him deep unless he meets some tough injuries. Fantasy Pros ranks him with a 85.7% overall.

Wild Card

Andwise Puddifoot (Jake Thompson)

I'm upgrading Jake to a wild card this season. Last season, he went with a ton of RBs in the beginning of the draft and ended up in last place. This year, he decided to do...the same thing. He does have much better backs this time, though, as he made the homer pick of Ezekiel Elliott (Cowgirls NERD!) and kept David Johnson. His weakness, though, is the same as last year...not great receivers. And in a PPR league, receivers win championships (you can ask Braxton). So, the question will be, will Jake's RBs been good enough/catch enough to balance out his riskiness in taking WR very late in the draft? Fantasy Pros put Jake as the number three overall team with a score of 89.2%.

No Playoffs!

Shire County Studs (Klent Starks)

Klent may prove me wrong, and if so, bully for him! However, Mr. Starks seems to have not caught on to the fact that you never take a QB in the early rounds...come on, man! Klent went bold with taking Aaron Rodgers as his second overall pick. That does give him a premier QB, but limited his options in RB and WR considering the wealth that was also available at that time. His receivers are middle of the road, his flex position is weak and he's playing it risky with Thomas Rawls and Doug Martin as his top running backs. Will Klent prove me wrong? Probably...at least when he and I play. Fantasy Pros rated Klent second to last in the league with a 81.9% overall rating. (Sorry, Klent!)

Here are all of the ratings from Fantasy Pros (this does NOT reflect my opinion...just theirs.):

Power Rankings

1Riders of Romohan100.0%
2Dol Guldur Tsundere Towers98.1%
3Andwise Puddifoot89.2%
4Saucy's Werewolves87.8%
5Russeldell Elves87.2%
6Rubber Ducky Rohirrim85.7%
7Seami Dolphawks84.8%
8Minas Morgul Scream83.0%
9Frodo And Boromir82.7%
10Prancing Ponies82.7%
11Shire County Studs81.9%
12Mines of Moria Mountain T...77.2%

What do you think? Let me know.

Click here to see last year's predictions.

1 comment:

  1. Gotta say, I can't agree with any ranking that puts Boromir and the Ponies anywhere in the bottom six. While the Tsundere (Yandere?) Towers clearly had the best draft and best looking owner, they also have the hardest division IMHO. I think that this years balance of power is more even than ever before (except for you, Nathan. Way to bring down the curve). I look forward to a challenging (psssh) season again this time around.
