Thursday, July 2, 2015

It All Started with a Hammock

It all started with a hammock.

Day 1: Our 2 person hammock, which we bought from Lowe's, was delivered to our house. It was a day with beautiful weather and blue skies. The perfect day to lay in a hammock.

Day 2: While laying in our hammock, we got to talking about the future of our hammock and imagining our future house(s). As a rule from our landlords, our hammock (as well as our patio table, grill, and fire pit) had to be on a small slab of concrete, and NOT on the grass. After a long discussion about our unhappiness of our current residence and landlords, we decided to start looking for a new place to live, even though our lease didn't end for another 7 months.

Day 4: I emailed someone who we thought might know a lot of people in the town we wanted to move and who may possibly know someone who had some rental property. This person just so happened to be the owner of our reception venue. Shoutout to Lydia and the Arling!

Days 6-8: Back-and-forth emails which soon lead to Lydia informing us that she and her husband had a potential house that we could rent.

Day 9: We went to look at the house, and decided it was perfect for us!

Days 10-13: After work, we packed stuff into boxes for several hours.

Days 14-17: Took a mini-vacation to Gatlinburg.

Days 18-21: See days 10-13.

Day 22: Moving Day!

Days 24-27: Unpacked EVERYTHING...

Days 28-30: We accommodated 6-8 guests for my sister's bachelorette party, lingerie shower, bridal luncheon, rehearsal, rehearsal dinner, and wedding.

So as a review... We packed, went on vacation, moved, and unpacked in only 2 1/2 weeks (all while working at our day jobs every day), directly followed by 3 jam-packed days of wedding festivities. It was a crazy few weeks! Not to brag, but that's pretty darn impressive, if you ask me!

After the crazy was over, we relaxed in our hammock in our big yard!

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