Thursday, August 13, 2015

Things You Do on your Computer that you wish would work in Real Life

Ok, lets be real. We've all wished for certain situations to be easier. There are those encounters where you wish you could escape the situation. There are frustrating times when you just wish you could change what just happened. And you think, "If only I was on my computer, I could fix this..." I know I've wished certain computer commands were applicable in real life. Here are 5...

1. Edit, Undo. Sometimes, I do stupid things, or say embarrassing comments, or mess a project up right at the very end. Its these times when I wish good old "Edit, Undo" would work in everyday life. I'm sure we've all had those moments; the moments where you immediately know you made a mistake and you wish you could just rewind and not say what you just said. You don't know what you would have said instead, you just wouldn't have said that...

2. Find. I rarely lose things. I mean, its rare. I almost always know where everything is because I'm the type of person who has a place for EVERYTHING. And almost everything has a secondary place where I might put it if the first place is occupied. So, without going into more detail about my borderline OCD, lets just agree that I rarely lose things.... But let me tell you, when I do lose It's like I know where it should be; I know where it could be; I will swear I didn't lose it; and I won't stop looking until I find it.... (I'm still looking for a rain jacket I lost last July)... Anyway, it's in these moments when I just wish I could use the Find command. You would simply type in what you're looking for, and then the item would magically start shining.

3. Right-Click. The right-click. A good list of the most common choices for any given situation on your computer. The right-click, whether clicked intentionally or unintentionally, will always give you the options the user is most-likely wanting to complete. It doesn't give you EVERY option, only the most useful options for the specific program or screen you are encountering. Just imagine if the right-click worked in everyday life. Not sure what to do this weekend? Right-click. Confused about whether or not to take that new job? Right-click. Bored on a snow day? Right-click. You might not always make the right choice, but at least the right-click gave you a narrowed down list. 

4. Ctrl-Alt-Del. Once upon a time, you were on your computer, surfing the internet. You stubble upon a cool blog called Cold Tuesday Morning. THEN, all of a sudden, your screen freezes and your computer is not allowing you to do anything! What do you do?! You've just got to finish reading the blog! You try everything; closing the window, clicking back to the previous page, refreshing the page. Nothing will work. So, as a last resort, you angerly press Control, Alt, Delete to bring up the Task Manager. "Thanks Task Manager for stating the obvious that the program is not responding..." You force the close and restart. Now, although Ctrl-Alt-Del is a last resort and annoying, can we all agree that it almost always works? You can get out of any unwanted situation with a simple key stroke. Think of how useful this would be if you were getting a ticket....

**Note: This is specific to PC users. The mac users out there would use "command, option, escape" for the same results.

5. Empty Trash. Ok, would wouldn't want to empty the trash with just a few clicks?!.... I'm not going to elaborate on this one. 

So... these are just a few computer commands that I think would make my life a little bit easier. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a rain jacket to find. 

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