Friday, February 27, 2015

Brown Paper Packages #3

Testing, 1-2-3...

My future brother-in-law has mad skillz! First of all, he deserves a shoutout for just being awesome. But, secondly, he deserves a shoutout for his hard work on their wedding website and the phenomenal finished product. Click Here to check it out!!!

The Lord is working in mighty ways! Jake has been trying to receive the Holy Spirit and the gift of speaking in tongues, which came to him this week. The Lord is doing great things is Jake's life!

Out with the new, in with the newer.... This was an unexpected thing that happened this week. In one day, we went from driving one car (RIP Blue Honda Civic Hybrid...) to driving a different car.  We have extremely mixed feelings about this. Sadness over losing our blue car, frustration over an un-fixable problem, and excitement over having a new (used) car. Say hello to our new car, the Urban Titanium Honda Civic.

Get to know some fellow bloggers in my life! This is ironic because I do not consider myself a blogger. However, it does make me happy when people are supportive of our blog. I am also happy to have some friends and family who are also on the blogging journey. Support them too, people! These ladies are the three of the most interesting women and best writers I know, so their blogs are probably going to be on point!

Songstress of the South - Sarah Baldauff
Play On - Kaitlynn Logsdon
First Time Homemaker - Maegan Woodlee

Thats all folks. Over and out.

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