Thursday, February 5, 2015

Our Proposal

It happened on November 17, 2013
Nathan had planned for weeks for us to have a date at Patti's 1880 Settlement restaurant and grounds. I had just been on a school trip for several days, so we were both excited to spend some time together and excited for the date. Additionally, the Patti's had already put up their Christmas lights and decorations to add to the excitement!
The date started with playing Mario Kart... Nathan got 1st every time, and I got 12th. Then we ate some ham sandwiches.
Afterwards, we got dressed up and headed to Patti's, We ate, and of course it was delicious. Then we went outside and started walking around and looking at all the Christmas lights and soon ended up under a gazebo with dozens of Christmas trees and a line of children waiting to sit in Santa's lap.
All of a sudden, Nathan got down on one knee and said, "Ashley, you know I love you, and you know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me? Obviously, I said yes! At this point, random people began gathering around us and asking, "Is he serious? Is this real?" and I replied, "Yes, he's serious!" They all started taking pictures of us. It was pretty hilarious.
Then, we walked around the grounds and enjoyed the lights. It was a great night and one that we will not ever forget.

The Whole Story:
Was I excited? YES, of course! Was I surprised? Let's just say I had a few clues. Naturally, we had discussed marriage for our future and we both knew that we wanted to be married. I'm not a huge fan of extra long engagements because I feel that it is unnecessary torture (I could go on and on about this topic, but I won't, for the sake of keeping this post light and happy).

My first clue was that when he had asked me if I wanted to go to Patti's, he suggested that we dress up. NOW, if this doesn't see suspicious to you, then you don't really know Nathan that well. I personally don't mind dressing up now and then, especially for a special occasion ;) but Nathan will put up a fight every single time.

After the first clue, I pushed it out of my mind. I wanted to be surprised, and after all, its not every day that the love of your life proposes to you, right?! Anyway, the day of November 17, he was going to come over to my apartment to hang out before we went to Pattis. He had planned for us to play on the Wii and he was going to "fix us lunch" AKA ham sandwiches from Kroger. Well, at the time, I had a habit of putting my hands in his jacket to hold his whenever we greeted one another. So, just like every other day, I opened the door and immediately reached for his pocket. He pushed my hands away and just held outside of his pockets instead. This might seem like not a big clue, but after that, I was positive it was happening that day. I'm very very analytical and I notice very small details about seemingly insignificant things.

Again, I pushed it out of mind. I must say it was extremely hard to forget that I knew what was going to happen. I think I must have been a detective in another life, because 1) I'm pretty intuitive I can figure things out in a jiffy and 2) I randomly enjoy using a magnifying glass.

So, as the night went on, the weather got colder and colder. So cold, that when we were walking around looking at Christmas lights, I made the comment that I might have to put on my gloves. Nathan's response, "No! Not yet..." and we continued walking.

A few minutes later, he slipped the ring on my un-gloved finger. It was pretty great, and so special. Whether or not I expected it, or knew, or was or wasn't surprised, who cares! We had a great proposal and I will never forget it.

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