Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Snow Day Snow Shake

I enjoy snow days. Especially when I don't have to enjoy them alone. Personally, I sort of like being trapped at home and preparing to have to survive only on what is in my house. I find myself subconsciously taking inventory... "oh yes this will be good to have in case we're snowed in for another 3 weeks."

Additionally, I enjoy playing in the snow: building snowmen, going for snow walks, and especially sledding. Sadly, there are no decent hills in our neighborhood and no sled in our possession. So, we have pretty much stayed snow-free during this season's snow day run. Until this afternoon. I decided to make snow shakes. Prepare yourself.


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • packed snow
  • Something to flavor the shake. The recipe I found used vanilla extract. We used chocolate syrup for Nathan's, and strawberries for mine.
  • Whipped cream (and other toppings)

1. Mix milk and sugar together until sugar dissolves a bit.

2. Put milk/sugar mixture and packed snow into blender (I used about 4 cups of packed snow for this amount of milk). Mix.

3. Add flavor into the blender. Chocolate syrup works great. Strawberries work great. I'm sure bananas would be good. Oreos would be a good choice, I bet. And the obvious vanilla extract for the classic vanilla shake. Mix in blender until you get the consistency of a milkshake.

4. Pour. Add toppings. Serve.


Our snowshakes were AWESOME. They literally brought all the boys to the yard. DELICIOUS! One thing that I will note is that if you wait for a few minutes, the milk will start to separate from the snow to the bottom of your cup. All you have to do is just mix it back up with a spoon or straw. Other than that, they were perfect!

Nathan rated this recipe a 5 / 5
I rated this recipe a 5 / 5

Original Recipe is from, but I changed it quite a bit, obviously

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