Monday, February 2, 2015

How We Met

Ashley: I first noticed Nathan when we had a class together my first semester back at Murray State. I remember him because he had glasses like me.

Nathan: I remember taking notice in Ashley when we were in a class together (her first semester), but I really noticed her in a class we had later. I would always tell my friends that I thought she was gorgeous! I had a big plan about what to say to her to get to know her, but quickly became nervous and abandoned that plan and said something awkward instead! Thankfully, God gave me a second chance later! 

Ashley: Nathan was very persistent in trying to get to know me. The next semester he asked if he could be my chemistry lab partner, where I politely told him no, and suggested someone else he could be partners with.

Nathan: I ended up with someone else from the OSH department as my partner, but we conveniently were placed back to back with Ashley and her partner. I tried to talk with Ashley as much as possible (even though it was still probably awkward!!). I eventually decided to ask for her number during a study session.

Ashley: Well, I gave it to him, and we soon started getting to know each other and talking everyday. I realized he was just as much of a nerd as I was! I was noticing we had so much in common: music, favorite types of music, and most importantly, our yearn to please God above all things.

Nathan: I finally got up the nerve to ask her out on a date, and we enjoyed some good food and a movie together. She asked me to come to Murray State's All Campus Sing event, which I had never been to. I attended, and had a blast with her! That night, I asked her to be my girlfriend (April 17, 2013).

Ashley: The next few months were exciting getting to know one another, yet difficult because I was away on an internship for 3 months. Although we were 800 miles away from each other, I knew by the end of the summer that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Nathan.

Nathan: I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with Ashley! I know that God has put us together, and has wonderful things in store for us!

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