Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Lone Wolf Bachelor

Having a bachelor party is a time-honored tradition...I guess. I have only been to one, and while it was enjoyable (I shot my brother with a paintball gun, after all), I chose not to have one for myself.

You may be thinking, "that is just Nathan; he cares not for tradition." While that is completely true, that was not all there was to my decision. Probably the biggest deciding factor was that I did not feel like having "one last fling as a single man" was appropriate. It is not like I would not be able to call up my friends and go hang out with them ever again. I felt like I would be insulting the relationship that I already had with them by having a party, as if our friendship as we knew it was over. My prediction that things would remain about the same with them was accurate. 

My other problem was that I did not think that I could come up with anything else to do than what we normally do when we hang out. I figured we would probably plan to play video games all night, and I'd inevitably be asleep by 8:30pm. And I could do that with them any day. No need to make a special trip for an early snooze! 

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