Monday, March 30, 2015

Game of Life

Saturday included one of my main Matron of Honor duties: the bridal shower. We decided to have a separate shower for all of Lauren's college friends from Murray. Once the venue was booked and the invitations sent, it was time to get crackin' on the actual details. 

Now, I have never hosted a bridal shower, and I have actually not even really been to that many (other than my own). So, I can't say that I had a lot of experience to know what to do... One thing I did know, is that I wanted it to be unique and fun for everyone.

To get ideas, I first looked on pinterest, because, well duh. After several scrolls down, I saw a pin where someone used Jenga pieces as a guest book registry at their wedding, which I thought was a cute idea. So, I got to thinking about how this or something like this could be incorporated into a shower. A few bad ideas later, I came up with this: A wedding shower using classic games, but not actually playing the games at the shower... Here's how it turned out.

Classic play on words... (thanks mom and dad)

Guests could give advice to the Bride and Groom. Some examples included date night ideas, bible Verses, tips from experience, or just things to make them laugh!

Guests could guess how many dots were on a set of Dominoes. Our guesses were all over the board!

The food we had was minimal, yet delicious. Game pieces were used for decoration in every possible instant!

The Bride-and-Groom-to-Be played a game with cards where they were asked a question of who is more likely to do _________. If they thought the Bride was more likely to do said thing, they held up a Queen, and if they thought the Groom was more likely to do it, they held up a King. Kind of like This Video... Also, you will notice the table was decorated with game pieces from many games... Twister mat, yahtzee pages, cards, scrabble letters, monopoly money, dice.

At the end of the day, the shower was a success, and the happy couple got 6 new games plus a deck of cards. Everybody wins. Haha...get it?

I personally think that everyone had a great time at the shower. Not because of the theme, or the food or the games, or the gifts, but because of the friendships. Lauren's friends are so supportive and genuine. It was fun to listen to them catch up and watch them get excited for one another!

Here are some more pictures from the shower:

Thanks to the Bridesmaids and mom for all of your help!

Thanks again, to all of you ladies who came to the shower and supported Lauren and Blake!


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