Thursday, March 19, 2015

Crock Pot Hot Choc

I've recently been trying out new crock pot recipes. When we were preparing for our first annual Christmas party, I stumbled upon this beaut. Its homemade hot chocolate with just a few simple ingredients. A large crock pot can produce about 12 cups of his steamy drink for a party or just family snuggle night.

  • 10 cups of milk
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 3/4 cup cocoa
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 2 cups hot water
  • toppings galore
Note: this recipe is can easily be divided. If you want a smaller batch, just half all of the ingredients.

1. Mix milk, sugar, cocoa, and salt in a large sauce pan. Stir until sugar is completely dissolve. It usually takes me a few minutes to un-clump the cocoa as well. While you are mixing start warming the mixture (this will help save you time).

2. Add hot water. Stir a bit and bring to a boil. Let this mixture boil for 3 minutes. CAUTION: The first time I made this, it boiled over onto the stovetop... smelling burnt chocolate for dayzzzz.....

3. Pour the mixture into a large crockpot. Cook on low for 3 hours.

4. Use a ladle to get hot choc into mugs. Add the toppings. I usually use mini marshmellows, topped with whipped cream, topped with shaved chocolate (sometimes topped with a cherry for Nathan).

I like this recipe because it helps with preparation when you are trying to make a lot of things that all need to be ready at the same time. Also, it seems more fancy than just using the Swiss Miss packs, so its good for when you are trying to impress people. Additionally, people can ladle out as much or as little as they want because the whole pot is equally mixed, whereas, other hot chocolate methods only allow for a set amount of liquid.

Nathan rated this recipe 4.5 / 5
I rated this recipe 4 / 5

Original recipe from

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