Saturday, March 14, 2015

Pi Day: The best holiday of the year

So, let me just say, that I LOVE PIE. As I've alluded to before, I wouldn't consider myself super talkative, but there are certain topics that will get me going. Weirdly, pie is one of them. Let's take a look into the history of me and pie....

First, when I was little, I mostly liked pie because of the crust. But then once I got older, I started to enjoy more and more pie fillings.

Let's get real, the best part of a church potluck is all of the pies from which you have to choose (granted, I almost always chose my mom's). Just thinking about walking over to the dessert table and seeing all the glorious pies makes my mouth water. 

When, I was in high school, my AP calculus teacher had us celebrate pi day. Honestly, this was the first time I had ever heard of celebrating March 14. There were 15 people in the class, and each one of us brought a pie from home. We all swapped pieces and ate during class. For those of you doing the math.... if each student ate an equal amount, that would mean each had the opportunity to eat 8 slices (equal to a whole) pie in 90 minutes.... I managed 3 pieces. It was great..... How could I have gone 18 years without this holiday!?!?!

Then you've always got the restaurants who are obvious pie supporters. O'charley's is a great example. Free pie Wednesday? Yeah, I'd say they are avid pie lovers. Or maybe Wednesdays are just slow and they need more business. Either way, I approve of free pie Wednesday. And then there's Patti's 1880's Settlement.... They have so many pies, I don't even know where to start. I'll just say, if you want the full pie experience, go try one at Pattis. Leave a comment of restaurants that have awesome pies, because I probably need to go eat there.

I told you I get riled up about pies...

This year, pi day is especially special. pi=3.141592653................ so, 3-14-15 is the ultimate pi day. Also, check out the bottom and see what time that this was published. Yep, 9:26.

In honor of pi day, I figured I'd make a pie chart including some possible dessert choices....Don't judge me.
Plainly, "Pie" presented as the preferred pie piece. Say that 5 times fast...

List of Pies that I like:
  • Chocolate Fudge Pie
  • Pecan Pie
  • Caramel Pie
  • Key Lime Pie
  • Banana Cream Pie
  • Derby Pie
  • Peach Pie
  • Chess Pie
  • Chocolate Chess Pie
  • Blackberry Pie
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Strawberry Cream Pie
  • Oreo Pie
  • Blueberry Pie
  • Peanut Butter Pie
  • Apple Pie
  • Cheesecake (Don't act like this isn't a pie...)
List of Pies that I do not like:
  • Cherry Pie
  • Pie with meringue 

P.S. Cake sucks.


  1. Marie Callender's Restaurant & Bakery has a prodigious palette of pie provisions. Sadly, all the restaurant locations are in California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, or Utah. I have sampled the wares on my trips west. Jeff K.

    1. Jeff, we will have to put that on our list of places to go bucket list! Thanks for the input!
