Monday, March 16, 2015

Our Bedroom Makeover

So, the walls of our bedroom are pretty much blank. Why? Well.... I guess because its the least likely place for a guest to wander into. Also, I've been waiting to stumble upon some type of decoration that is unique yet appropriate for our bed room. Additionally, we are on a tight budget, so its not like we can spend a huge chunk of money on making our bedroom look like it came out of a magazine.

I've been looking on pinterest and craigslist periodically to find cheap ideas. I was willing to create something myself as long as it wasn't something too crazy. FINALLY, the time has come to complete our bedroom!

First, I decided to just go ahead and paint some canvases. I wanted them to look calm and soft, yet bring in at least a little bit of color for interest. Here's what happened...

CLICK HERE to find out how to make your own abstract canvases!

Next, we needed something in place of where a headboard would be. Our bed is a free-standing mattress on a simple bed frame. Ever since I've been on my own, I haven't really been into having an actual bed or headboard. Mostly, because they cost so much. So, I've learned to improvise.

I found a neat idea on pinterest, and I figured I could give it a shot. It included a curtain rod, chiffon curtains, and white christmas lights.

First, I hung a curtain rod. Normally, I would not put the rod up so close to the ceiling, but I wanted it to be the same height as the curtain rod for the window (which is really high due to the length of the curtain). After the rod was set, I used command mini hooks to hang the Christmas lights evenly apart. Last, I added the chiffon curtains. Here is the result:

When the lights are on, it creates a nice ambiance. When the lights are off, you can't even really see the lights!

The total cost of the blank canvases, curtain rod, chiffon curtains, Christmas lights (300 light), and command hooks was about $80. I already had the paint and hooks to hang the canvases. 

Overall, I'd say this project was a success. And now our bedroom look a little less bare.

More pictures

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