Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tale as Old as Time

This past weekend, Beauty and the Beast came to SKyPAC (Southern Kentucky Performing Arts Center). We decided to go because.... well I mean..... do you really need an excuse to go see a tale-as-old-as-time musical?.... The answer is no.

I was excited to go see it for several reasons. Firstly, because I just love musicals. Another reason is because we have never been to SKyPAC and I was interested to see the quality of the Bowling Green Theatre. 

Here are some things we learned:

  1. SKyPAC is a nice theatre and you should visit if you get the chance
  2. Beauty and the Beast is awesome! I had seen it at Murray State for their annual Campus Lights, but had not seen it by a professional company. Nathan had seen it in St. Louis at the Fox Theatre. Hilarious, touching, and of course great musical numbers.
  3. Lots of small children attended. This was a surprise for me. Although, of course, Beauty and the Beast was obviously first designed for children in the Disney Animation, it did not even cross my mind that there would be a ton of kids there. And not just kids, but girls in princess dresses and tiaras. It wasn't annoying, it was just a surprise. We actually had a small girl who sat right behind us. Her quotes throughout the play have turned out to be a good source of one-liners.
My only complaint of the whole night was that there was not a large poster for me to take a picture with. It is customary for me to do that. I guess SKyPAC didn't get my memo.

It was a great night! I would recommend seeing Beauty and the Beast. I would recommend seeing something at SKyPAC. I would recommend all theatres to provide a poster.

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